按揭轉介表格 Mortgage referral form

第一借款人 First applicant
*表格提交後會發送副本至你填寫之電郵地址, 請填寫至少一位借款人或聯絡人之電郵
*Please enter at least one email for either applicant, as the filled-in referral form copy would be sent to your email after submission
先生 Mr.
揀性別 Choose sex
小姐 Ms.
揀性別 Choose sex
輸入英文全名 Fill in English full name
輸入中文全名 Fill in Chinese full name
輸入香港身分證號碼 Fill in HKID number
輸入電郵 Fill in email
輸入香港手機號碼 Fill in mobile number
作為聯絡人 Act as contact person
揀聯絡人 Choose contact person
*表格提交後會發送副本至你填寫之電郵地址, 請填寫至少一位借款人或聯絡人之電郵
*Please enter at least one email for either applicant, as the filled-in referral form copy would be sent to your email after submission
先生 Mr.
揀性別 Choose sex
小姐 Ms.
揀性別 Choose sex
輸入英文全名 Fill in English full name
輸入中文全名 Fill in Chinese full name
輸入香港身分證 Fill in HKID number
輸入電郵 Fill in email
輸入香港手機號碼 Fill in mobile number
作為聯絡人 Act as contact person
揀聯絡人 Choose contact person
聯絡人 Contact person
第一借款人作為聯絡人 First applicant acts as the contact person
揀聯絡人 Choose contact person
第二借款人作為聯絡人 Second applicant acts as the contact person
揀聯絡人 Choose contact person
*如聯絡人並不是第一或第二借款人, 請填寫以下之聯絡人資料
*If contact person is not the first or second applicant, please fill in contact person information below
輸入聯絡人名 Fill in contact person name
輸入聯絡人香港手機號碼 Fill in contact person mobile number
輸入聯絡人電郵 Fill in contact person email
物業 Property
*Property address could only be filled in by English

*如屬 『新做按揭 (一手)』 物業 , 而暫未能確定新樓地址, 那麼地址可以不用填寫
*If property is 『New mortgage (First-hand)』 and the address cannot be confirmed yet,
then no need to fill in the address

*如屬 『全層購入』, 『單位』請填入 -> all
*If property is 『whole floor』, then fill in 『flat』 -> all

*如屬 『全棟購入』, 『單位』及『層數』都請填入 -> all
*If property is 『whole block』, then fill in both 『flat』 and 『floor』 -> all

輸入單位 Fill in flat
輸入層數 Fill in floor
輸入大廈/屋苑 Fill in building/estate
輸入街道 Fill in street
輸入地區 Fill in district
住宅 Residential
揀類別 Choose type
居屋 Home ownership scheme
揀類別 Choose type
寫字樓 Office
揀類別 Choose type
工貿/工業 Industrial
揀類別 Choose type
商鋪 Shop
揀類別 Choose type
村屋 Village house
揀類別 Choose type
Sole ownership
揀類別 Choose type
Joint ownership
揀類別 Choose type
按揭貸款 Mortgage loan
No need to add guarantor
揀類別 Choose type
Add guarantor
揀類別 Choose type
新做按揭 (一手)
New mortgage (First-hand)
揀類別 Choose type
新做按揭 (二手)
New mortgage (Second-hand)
揀類別 Choose type
Transfer mortgage
揀類別 Choose type
Cash-out refinancing
揀類別 Choose type
輸入買入價 Fill in purchase price
輸入按揭成數 Fill in loan-to-value
輸入申請貸款金額 Fill in applied loan amount
輸入還款年期 Fill in repayment tenor
輸入成交日期 Fill in completion date
輸入臨時買賣合約編號 Fill in preliminary sales and purchase agreement number
上載臨時買賣合約副本 Upload Preliminary sales and purchase agreement copy
介紹人 Referrer (如有 if any)
輸入介紹人名 Fill in referrer name
輸入介紹人香港手機號碼 Fill in referrer mobile number

申請人 (1) 簽名    Applicant (1) signature

I have read and accepted
必須同意 Must accept